Thursday, August 26, 2010

Traffic court

So im in traffic court for some bullshit! I mean literally some BS! A no seatbelt ticket! Comeon, either that highway pratol guy has a twat instead of a cock or he is a fuckin faggit! And u gay friends of mine know what i mean because when they get mad at another guy the call em a fuckin faggit too, but the meaning changes. Its not derogatory towards the gay community but more of a way of acting, i.e., childish, whiny, no sex in ages--leads to hating all man kind-- and now imagine all those feelings rolled up into one. And that is a fuckin faggit! My gay friends know whats up. Im not a homo freak or hate anyone who loves their own gender, if u ask me i have alot of respect for the gay community for standing up for what they belive in. OK enough run on sentences and off topic paragraphs. Back to the ticket, so george--a homelesd guy from NPP-- and i were scoring cause our guy was in vegas. And we saw Flaco a cool guy whom we always find for so
me reason or another--serendipity-- well we got the stuff and were on our way home. And whilst passing on whittier on the end of that cemetary, across from the flower shop and right before burger st-- if im not mistaken--this idiotic cop pulls me over and gives me a ticket for no seat belt, but i had my seat belt on! Fuckin George, he didnt have his on! I saw his face, and i coulnt get mad at him, i actually felt sorry for him. So here i am fighting this BS ticket, cause in L.A. If your padsanger doesnt wear a seat belt its the driver who gets the ticket not the passenger. Or sometimes if the cop is a real dick he'll give both the driver and the passenger a ticket. Wish me luck. Even though this is just the arrainment. U know, "Guilty or Not Guilty" then i wait another 2 months and come back and fight it. 130pm time to go in.

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Location:Los Angeles,United States

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