Friday, August 27, 2010

Central casting

So.... Yup.... Here i am once again, gosh this place does not change. I mean a couple of little furniture pieces here and there, but the people are the same. You got people from all over america and some different places in the world aswell. Yet, mostly its your people from idaho, nebraska, georgia, texas, etc. Most peeps are really cool, then you get your jackoffs who think their the epitome of a hollywood celebrity. Really they will act as if the've won more oscars than... Well you get the picture. All of a sudden they finf them selves calling central casting and being told "sorry your not what were looking for" and their world comes crumlinf down down down. Reality slaps people in the face and its seldom that a person will realize; the problem does not lie in your looks, physicality or even your acting skills. Its all about how you carry your self. You know, humbleness. People--top people-- hate a wise ass, especially if they have no life experience to back up their skills. After a person becomes a celebrity, ok its all good go ahead and act like a dusch, but not before. And lets just say for the sake of conversation a person whom we've talked about end up getting to the top. Ok, well buddy for some reason the universe decided to give you a shot just to even things out, does a person react and become gratefull? Yeah, sometimes, because a person starts meeting people whom are already there, so the secret is being told to this very lucky individual. Now we have a person whom has seen the ligjt, and thats good. Yet, if it goes in the opposite direction, i must say i feel sorry for our individual for he or she has slipped on theit own shit. Gotta go its starting.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Location:S Flower St,Burbank,United States

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