Friday, August 27, 2010

Central casting

So.... Yup.... Here i am once again, gosh this place does not change. I mean a couple of little furniture pieces here and there, but the people are the same. You got people from all over america and some different places in the world aswell. Yet, mostly its your people from idaho, nebraska, georgia, texas, etc. Most peeps are really cool, then you get your jackoffs who think their the epitome of a hollywood celebrity. Really they will act as if the've won more oscars than... Well you get the picture. All of a sudden they finf them selves calling central casting and being told "sorry your not what were looking for" and their world comes crumlinf down down down. Reality slaps people in the face and its seldom that a person will realize; the problem does not lie in your looks, physicality or even your acting skills. Its all about how you carry your self. You know, humbleness. People--top people-- hate a wise ass, especially if they have no life experience to back up their skills. After a person becomes a celebrity, ok its all good go ahead and act like a dusch, but not before. And lets just say for the sake of conversation a person whom we've talked about end up getting to the top. Ok, well buddy for some reason the universe decided to give you a shot just to even things out, does a person react and become gratefull? Yeah, sometimes, because a person starts meeting people whom are already there, so the secret is being told to this very lucky individual. Now we have a person whom has seen the ligjt, and thats good. Yet, if it goes in the opposite direction, i must say i feel sorry for our individual for he or she has slipped on theit own shit. Gotta go its starting.

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Location:S Flower St,Burbank,United States

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Traffic court

So im in traffic court for some bullshit! I mean literally some BS! A no seatbelt ticket! Comeon, either that highway pratol guy has a twat instead of a cock or he is a fuckin faggit! And u gay friends of mine know what i mean because when they get mad at another guy the call em a fuckin faggit too, but the meaning changes. Its not derogatory towards the gay community but more of a way of acting, i.e., childish, whiny, no sex in ages--leads to hating all man kind-- and now imagine all those feelings rolled up into one. And that is a fuckin faggit! My gay friends know whats up. Im not a homo freak or hate anyone who loves their own gender, if u ask me i have alot of respect for the gay community for standing up for what they belive in. OK enough run on sentences and off topic paragraphs. Back to the ticket, so george--a homelesd guy from NPP-- and i were scoring cause our guy was in vegas. And we saw Flaco a cool guy whom we always find for so
me reason or another--serendipity-- well we got the stuff and were on our way home. And whilst passing on whittier on the end of that cemetary, across from the flower shop and right before burger st-- if im not mistaken--this idiotic cop pulls me over and gives me a ticket for no seat belt, but i had my seat belt on! Fuckin George, he didnt have his on! I saw his face, and i coulnt get mad at him, i actually felt sorry for him. So here i am fighting this BS ticket, cause in L.A. If your padsanger doesnt wear a seat belt its the driver who gets the ticket not the passenger. Or sometimes if the cop is a real dick he'll give both the driver and the passenger a ticket. Wish me luck. Even though this is just the arrainment. U know, "Guilty or Not Guilty" then i wait another 2 months and come back and fight it. 130pm time to go in.

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Location:Los Angeles,United States

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Head shots

Here they are. Break a leg huh.

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Location:Sawtelle Blvd,Los Angeles,United States


So im outside of prints charmi'n. Actually on iowa ave in front of 11321 which is for rent right now. Im waiting for my headshots to get printed out. And i must say they do look amazing. These guys do an awsome job. Theres been tons of celebrities in there and they keep on beeing friendly and humble. That is awsome, cause they could be like F that guy or gal i just dont like em, so ill treat em like shit. Thats how central casting treats you. Lol but seriously, i hope to make it big. No wait! Im going to make it big, its just a matter of time. Dont doubt ivan. Not for 1 sec. And u'll get everything u want. Has jesus let u down B4? No i dont believe so.... Alright just got the call from Fabian, its all ready. Entertainment industry here i come!!!!

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Location:Iowa Ave,Los Angeles,United States

So this my 3rd blog since a long time. I hope to keep this up thos time around. Since its very practical to update, upload, and just symply blog it up all day and all night. I was using gacebook for a while but i started getting a lot of friend request's which is ok. Yet, i feel intimidated when i know new people are around. I dont want to express myself the same way, not because i have issues, the simple fact of ongoing occurances with certain people--of which Karen will vauch for-- has changed the way i see the individuals which want to be added as friends. Now, i dont wanna be a dick and not add them. But, why now and why them?

Its all good though, in the words of Axl Rose-- live and let die.

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Location:Margaret Ave,East Los Angeles,United States